Cows, sheep and other grazing animals are endowed with the ability to convert grass into good health giving properties
How to Buy Meat
The best fed animals are the healthiest.  Don't trust your meat to just anyone.
Grass fed beef recipes
Traditionally all beef was grassed.  Grassed beef is a natural source of healthy omega-3s; full of beta carotene, loaded with more Vitamins A and Vitamin E and virtually devoid of the risk of Mad Cow Disease.
Cattle fed in feed lots are injected with antibiotics and hormones. Most grocery stores sell feed lot beef, pork, lamb and fish. Feed lot animals are highly susceptible to disease which is the reason the animals are injected with antibiotics.  They fed growth hormones to to increase production for the financial gain of the business.  Feed lot animals taint the food supply with the constant outbreaks of E-coil and other related food allergies.
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